Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Ayurveda states that honey is best natural medicine created by god for us to remove various diseases. Every food item we eat will convert into glucose, sucrose and digest in stomach but honey digest very easily without any conversion and releases energy quickly.

Nutritional Facts with Honey:

  • Honey contains powerful antioxidants which prevent certain type of cancers and heart diseases.
  • Honey is used to treat ulcers and other stomach disorders.
  • Honey + dried figs used to improve athletic performance.
  • In case of breast feeding not possible for the babies honey can be given as alternative.
  • Honey at bed time will act against excessive urination in the Night (Nocturia).
  • Honey can be used as ointment on the body for insect bites.
  • Honey + slaked lime relieves from joint pains and warts.
  • Honey + ginger are used for indigestion and increases hunger.
  • Honey + black pepper fight against asthma.
  • Honey + Neem Bark powder will eradicate jaundice.
  • Honey of 3tbl spoons everyday will decrease Palpitation.
  • Honey is anti-dote for alcohol and relieves hangover.
  • Honey + Saffron will increase red blood cells and improves blood circulation.
  • Honey + garlic will improve immunity power by prevents infections and virus.
  • Honey is Anti-Fungal, Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral.
  • Honey acts as a primary fuel for liver.
  • Honey can improve blood sugar levels and can be used as better alternative for artificial sweeteners.
  • Honey reduces the acid reflux in stomach and fights against diarrhea.
  • Honey is used in healing wounds and burns.
  • Honey can be replaced in the place of energy drinks. It generates energy very quickly.
  • Honey acts as an antiseptic and reduces the growth of bacteria and acts as anti inflammatory agent.
  • Honey which is dark in color will have more anti oxidants which fight against cell damage.
  • Honey can be used as alternative for sugar in weight loss program.
  • Honey is used as skin care because it is anti microbial.
  • Honey + cinnamon powder will cure arthritis. People believe that it is good medicine for increasing fertility in men and women.
  • Honey is used in cosmetics like lip balm, gels and face creams.
Juices with Honey:
  • Honey + Lemon juice + warm water will give strength to body and cures diseases related to throat and sunstroke.
  • Honey + Lemon juice + Vinegar will avoid vomiting symptoms, stomach bolts, indigestion and anemia. 
  • Honey + Basil juice gives relief from cold, throat infections, cough.
  • One teaspoon of Honey every day will fight against heart diseases, allergies, viral diseases and exhaustion.
  • Honey + black grape juice will decrease nerves weakness.
Cautions with Honey:
  • Honey should not be taken directly as it increases heat in the body. Always mix some water along with it.
  • Pure honey cannot be absorbed by a tissue paper.
  • Raw honey have more impurities in extracting process so certain health measures should be taken care while using for children.


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