the king of Vegetables, is cultured everywhere in India. Brinjal is also known as EggPlant. Brinjal pickle
tastes awesome. Brinjal has got many advantages and is preferred by every
Nutritional Values in Brinjal:
Nutritional Values in Brinjal:
- Brinjal reduces the heat in the body.
- Brinjal helps in free motion and urine passage.
- Brinjal (100 gm) contain 1.6 gm of protein, 6.3 gm of carbohydrates, 0.4 gm fat, 210 mg of calcium, 229 mg of Potassium, 16 mg of Magnesium, 61 mg of Phosphorous, 3 mg of Sodium, 0.17 mg of Copper, 44 mg of Sulphur, 52 mg of chlorine, 0.6 mg of Niacin, 29.1 mg of oxalic acid, 124 IU of Vitamin A, 55 micro gm of Vitamin B1, 95 micro gm of Vitamin B2, 12 mg of Vitamin C, 0.09 mg of Nicotinic Acid.
- Brinjal creates hungry in the body.
- Brinjal strengthens the body.
- Brinjal leaves have got a feature of relieving body pains.
- Brinjal that are freshly taken from the plant are helpful in piles or hemorrhoids.
- Brinjal leaves’ juice mixed with honey helps in reducing cough, a spoon intake of it 3 times a day and also reduces mucus.
- Brinjal mixed of masala, eating in a large quantity reduces acidity.
- Brinjal have anthocyanins a type of phyto chemicals which fight against Cancer.
- Brinjal fire roasted will eliminate excess phlegm from body.
- Brinjal (Baked) + honey will give good sleep and prevents insomnia.
- Brinjal + Tomato +Garlic +asafoetida soup aids good digestion by discharging gas in stomach.
- Brinjal juice prevents sweat when it was applied
- Brinjal is used as mushroom poison anti dote.
- Brinjal decoction will reduce swelling when applied on affected parts.
- Brinjal have dietary fiber and soluble carbohydrates which balances blood sugar levels and acts as anti-diabetic.
- Brinjal lowers blood pressure levels and controls excess cholesterol and aids healthy heart.
- Brinjal contains potassium which will check hydration levels in body aids healthy skin and hair.
- Brinjal(Purple color) contains nasunin which will remove excess iron from the body.
- Brinjal is anti-bacterial and anti-viral due to presence of Vitamin-C.
- Brinjal have many phytonutrients which protects brain and prevents cell damage in brain .
- Brinjal prevents atherosclerosis (A kind of Arteries disease).
- Brinjal flushes bowel and prevents constipation due to presence of required dietary fiber.
Cautions with Brinjal:
- People allergy to brinjal should stay apart.
- Brinjal that are rotten creates acidity.
- Brinjal is not suggested to the people who had gone under surgery for at-least 6 months.
- Brinjal contains negligible amount of nicotine.