Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Flax seed

Flax seed:
Flax seed is fiber rich seed which belongs Linaceae family,Linum genus. Flax seeds are traditional medicine for Austrian people to cure respiratory problems and infections. The lignan's found in the flax seeds are the primary source for anti-oxidant effect. Flax contains more number of lignans (approx 800 times ) when compared to other plants. Flax seed available in two types 1)golden flax seed 2)Brown flax seed there is no significant changes in nutritional comparison. Flax seeds are best to eat in winter and rainy season. Flax seed produce heat in body and lowers cough and cold. Mahatma Gandhi also praised nutritional benefits of flax seeds.

Nutritional Value with Flax seed:
  • Flax seed increases body metabolism.
  • flax seed contain omega-3 fatty acid(132.9%), manganese(17.5%), vitamin B1(15.3%), fiber(15.2%), magnesium(13.7%), tryptophan(12.5%), phosphorus(8.9%),copper(8.5%).
  • Flax seeds have highest dietary fiber(27.3%) content eating a spoon full will relieve constipation.
  • Flax seed contain good amounts of Omega-3-fatty acids  which lowers inflammation and benefits people who suffering from heart diseases ,knee pains, asthma, diabetes and certain types of cancers.
  • Flax seed will cure sexual disorders due to presence of omega-3-fatty acids.
  • Flax seeds contain good amounts of foliate which is very useful of women in pregnancy.
  • Flax seed contain powerful anti-oxidants which purify the blood and cleanse the body.
  • Flax seed increases immunity power and improves skin and hair texture.
  • Flax seed oil eliminates dandruff, dry skin problems and guards the skin from UV rays when applied.
  • Flax seed contain phyto estrogen's which helps women to maintain normal menstrual cycle and relives discomforts at the time of menopause.
  • Flax seeds can eliminates stomach disorders and peptic ulcers.
  • Flax seed oil can be used in the place of face cream to eliminate wrinkles.
  • Flax seed is used to cure breast cancer, migraines, nails wrinkle  and different types of allergies.
  • Flax seeds exhibit anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • Flax seed decreases cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the body.
  • Flax seed reduces chronic inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, and osteoporosis and improves cell and nerve communications due to presence of choline.
  • Flax seed contain mucilage a gum content which improves intestines to absorb more nutrients.
  • Ground flax seed or milled flax seed also shows same nutritional value no significant decrease in omega-3-fatty acids.
  • Grounded flax seeds powder or flax seeds- 2 spoons are enough to get maximum health benefits.
  • Flax seed meal provides additional nutrition punch to many baked foods. Add Grounded flax seeds powder or flax seeds to bread, cookies,muffins,pancakes and other recipes for extra nutrition and a nutty flavor. 
  • Nopalina flax seed capsules are popular brand, which used in weight loss program.

Cautions with flax seed:
  • Don't consume excess flax seeds are laxative.
  • Flax seed have shorter shelf life. Need to consume very quickly. It survives 6 months in air-tight container.
  • Flax seed oil oxidizes very quickly.
  • Always prefer organic flax seeds.
  • Avoid flax seeds at the time of pregnancy and breast-feeding.


Ayurveda massage Course said...

Very excellent information,i really appreciate all natural remedies,Even i am also doing a course in India at Claires ayurvedic health care


hi sir
how to use Flax seeds daily for women
tel me Briefly

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Sankar Narayan flax seeds can directly chewed without any problem or else use these seeds along with cumin seeds in all recipes which you cook.

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