Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lemon Cucumber

Lemon Cucumber:

Lemon cucumber is round and yellow in color. They have more water content and a lot of minerals and vitamins. This has a cooling effect. The blood pressure can be maintained.

Nutritional Values with Lemon Cucumber:
  • Lemon Cucumber will eliminate constipation by regular intake in the food.
  • Lemon Cucumber will make urine passage easy because of its high water content.
  • Lemon Cucumber when ripen will generate heat in the body and unripe will cool the body.
  • Lemon Cucumber seeds Decoction will cure all type liver diseases when it was taken early morning.
  • Lemon Cucumber will give relive burns caused by piles.
  • Lemon Cucumber seeds (dried) will give strength to body and improve sperm quality.
  • Lemon Cucumber seed is very useful for people suffering from heart diseases.
  • Lemon Cucumber contains 96% of water (moisturizer) and potassium, vitamin-C because of this, the paste act as a powerful face pack
  • Lemon Cucumber will fight against stress.
 Cautions with Lemon Cucumber:
  • Lemon Cucumber is diuretic. Don't consume in huge quantities.
  • Lemon Cucumber is perfect summer food. Don't consume huge quantities in cool conditions.
Juices with Lemon Cucumber:
  • Lemon Cucumber seed powder + Grape juice will remove all types’ infections while passing urine and eliminates stains.
  • Lemon Cucumber juice 1glass+ Honey 1 Tbsp.  2-3 times a day will make easy passage for urine and also cures BP, associates, nephritis, cystitis etc.
  • Lemon Cucumber + Mint Juice will quench thirst and controls diabetics and indigestion.
  • Lemon Cucumber + Butter milk + Salt Juice will act as a remedy for sunstroke.
  • Lemon Cucumber + Beetroot + Onion stems Juice will strengthen bones.
  • Lemon Cucumber seeds (dried) + Coconut flowers (dried) + Milk will control diabetes.
  • Lemon Cucumber seed powder + Almonds + honey + Milk will give coolness to the body, eliminates fatigue, gain weight.
  • Lemon Cucumber seed powder + Curd will cure burning sensation while passing urine.
  • Lemon Cucumber roots + rinsed rice water + Honey will stop blood bleeding from nose and mouth.
  • Lemon Cucumber + Pereira tuberose (Kudzu) +Sugar Cane Juice will eliminate stones in urine passage.
  • Lemon Cucumber seed (dried) + chili powder + Salt powder will cure burns while passing urine and eliminate constipation.
Beauty regimen with Lemon Cucumber:
  • Lemon Cucumber paste + Sandalwood powder + Turmeric + Raw milk + Almond oil + rose water, mix and apply as a face pack. This will give radiance and color to the skin.
  • Lemon Cucumber paste when applied on face, eyes, neck gives coolness and freshness.
  • Lemon Cucumber paste when applied on the face will avoid pimples and gives a glow to the skin.
  • Lemon Cucumber paste when applied under foot will eliminate foot burns.


Anonymous said...

nice information

Anonymous said...


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